Saturday, April 20, 2013

Dinner gathering...

Last weekend my in-laws invited me to their friend's house for a dinner gathering. The couple that welcomed us to their house is so friendly, kind, and nice. I loved their house, it's full of small little things and it's so well placed and organized and no dust! (I need to clean up my room, because it's so dusty.) They served delicious food, we had steak, salmon, asparagus, corn cake, and seafood risotto. It was a warm gathering, full of laughter and talks about their high school day memories and what they are up to nowadays. After dinner there was cake to celebrate Auntie's birthday and plenty of coffee and tea to go around. It was nice to see how auntie and her high school friends still stay in touch and remain friends after so many years have passed. I hope when I grow old, I will have some good friends that still stick around and have gatherings every so often like this. Friends come and go, hopefully the good ones stick around long enough.

Okay, that's it for now, time to prepare to go out for dinner. 

Daffodil for the couple


Snacks before dinner

Corn Cake


Before dinner snack

Fresh Asparagus from the farm


Seafood Risotto

Mango cake

We live by faith, not by sight. 
2 Corinthians 5:7

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