Saturday, April 13, 2013

Birthday party...

It was warm and sunny today, I love this kind of weather!

Today I went to a friend's daughter one year old party! It's nice to see how high school friends look after so many years and how some HS friends already got married and have kids. I took my camera to take pictures and glad that the pictures came out pretty good. It was nice to talk to a friend where he is also interested in taking pictures and asking him what L lens I should I invest in next. There is so much to learn in photography and buying the lens are not cheap either, but getting a good camera and lens is really a great investment especially when people who have kids. Parents can use the camera to take pictures of their kids and have it as a memory for later on.

After the birthday party  I went to Chinatown to visit my grandparents and grab something to eat. I went to this vegetarian restaurant and got a sushi roll. This Chinese version sushi is pretty good, it's made with sticky rice and inside there are peanuts and carrots and it's all cooked ingredients. It looks pretty easy to make, maybe I'll make that next time. ^__^

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5

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