Monday, April 29, 2013

SF Conservatory Of Flowers...

Tonight as I was going through my pictures, I came upon some pictures I took at the SF Conservatory of Flowers. The SF Conservatory of Flowers is a great place to visit to see the different types of flowers. It's free to residents of SF every first Tuesday of the month. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Back ten years ago, I tell myself, every two years I will buy myself a new watch, however it's up till I got my Citizen watch that I was so happy and pleased with it that I didn't bother looking for another watch. Then when I went to Taiwan, a sales lady was wearing a watch that really caught my eye, because the bracelet is black and the face of the watch is in magenta color.  My friend was nice enough to help me asked the sales lady where she got her watch. After we found out the brand name and place where I can get it, I was so happy and we went to buy it. So after the Citizen watch I brought the Sigma and after the Sigma I got the Skagen watch. The Skagen watch was a big change from my prior watch styles, because it's a lot smaller and the skagen bracelet was in gold color. Then after Skagen I got the Burberry watch, because I like the strap pattern and from the past watches, it was all stainless steel bracelets, so it's a change in taste and style.

Last week I went shopping and another watch caught my eye, mainly because of the wooden watch box. The brand of the watch is Dreyfuss & Co. I never heard of that brand and wanted to try the watch, because it has an elegant and antique kind of look to it. When I tried it on, I have no idea how to operate the strap, took a couple minutes for the sales person to figure it out for me. I certainly like the rose gold color and the leather strap design, so I decided to get it for my watch collection for this year. I wore it for a week and love it! ^___^  

Today I made a healthy salad for my lunch. My co-worker introduced me to the Persian cucumber and it was delicious, so I decided to make salad with that. Then to pair my lunch, I decided to make a cup of milk tea, because my friend came back from Malaysia and brought me some Sabah tea bags. A simple yet delicious lunch today. Who said healthy food does not taste as good? Lol, guess this time is an exception. (^__^)

Persian Cucumbers

Grape Tomatoes

Sabah Tea

My healthy lunch

Milk Tea

Do no withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act. Proverbs 3:27

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Dinner gathering...

Last weekend my in-laws invited me to their friend's house for a dinner gathering. The couple that welcomed us to their house is so friendly, kind, and nice. I loved their house, it's full of small little things and it's so well placed and organized and no dust! (I need to clean up my room, because it's so dusty.) They served delicious food, we had steak, salmon, asparagus, corn cake, and seafood risotto. It was a warm gathering, full of laughter and talks about their high school day memories and what they are up to nowadays. After dinner there was cake to celebrate Auntie's birthday and plenty of coffee and tea to go around. It was nice to see how auntie and her high school friends still stay in touch and remain friends after so many years have passed. I hope when I grow old, I will have some good friends that still stick around and have gatherings every so often like this. Friends come and go, hopefully the good ones stick around long enough.

Okay, that's it for now, time to prepare to go out for dinner. 

Daffodil for the couple


Snacks before dinner

Corn Cake


Before dinner snack

Fresh Asparagus from the farm


Seafood Risotto

Mango cake

We live by faith, not by sight. 
2 Corinthians 5:7

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Birthday party...

It was warm and sunny today, I love this kind of weather!

Today I went to a friend's daughter one year old party! It's nice to see how high school friends look after so many years and how some HS friends already got married and have kids. I took my camera to take pictures and glad that the pictures came out pretty good. It was nice to talk to a friend where he is also interested in taking pictures and asking him what L lens I should I invest in next. There is so much to learn in photography and buying the lens are not cheap either, but getting a good camera and lens is really a great investment especially when people who have kids. Parents can use the camera to take pictures of their kids and have it as a memory for later on.

After the birthday party  I went to Chinatown to visit my grandparents and grab something to eat. I went to this vegetarian restaurant and got a sushi roll. This Chinese version sushi is pretty good, it's made with sticky rice and inside there are peanuts and carrots and it's all cooked ingredients. It looks pretty easy to make, maybe I'll make that next time. ^__^

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Healdsburg wine tasting...

Today is just Wednesday, two more days till the weekend! This morning I am extra tired and sleepy, so today at work I drank two cups of coffee!!! That was way over my limit, but I needed the extra caffeine to keep myself awake. >__<

I was going through my picture files and came upon some pictures that I took when I went to Healdsburg wine tasting and reminded me of the good times spent with family and friends.  I look forward to going to wine tasting again next year and to eat the smoked duck sandwich at Costeaux French Bakery.  Healdsburg is a great place to visit during the weekend to relax, eat and drink. ^__^

Strawberry and Coffee Flavor Macaroons

Chicken Panini 

Smoked Duck Sandwich

JCB Wines

Cheese to pair with Williamson wines

Rodney Strong Winery

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Today I feel fully charged after eleven hours of sleep! Usually weekend is a great opportunity to sleep in and make up for the lack of sleep on the weekdays! After getting up this afternoon, I have cravings for sushi, so I decided to buy the ingredients and make my own. Hum...the process for making the California roll was pretty easy, but the taste is of course not as good as having it in the restaurant. It didn't taste bad, but just... not as good. I also stopped by Sheng Kee bakery this afternoon to pick up some croissants to have it as an afternoon tea snack.

Strawberry Cream Croissant

Almond Croissant

Homemade California Roll

After dinner, I had some free time, so I decided to take some pictures of my favorite jewelryies and use Totoro as my model. ^__^

Ok, time to make myself a cup of tea and prepare to watch the movie "Les Miserables"

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!

"Do everything in Love" 1 Corinthians 16:14