Sunday, March 24, 2013


Today is Sunday, I decided to take a walk from Embarcadero to Downtown and take some pictures. My intention was just to take a walk and shoot some photos and not shop for anything, because recently I already brought enough online. However, as always my weakness is self control towards shopping. I tell myself I won't buy anything, but when I see all the sales, how can I resist? I brought a T-shirt and a sweater from Banana Republic because it's on sale and on top of that there is an additional 30% off sale items!!! Sweet! Then I went to Abercrombie & Fitch (one of my favorite store) and saw a really cute jacket and it was my size, on sale, and it's the only one left, so I had to get it! Afterwards I swing by Bloomingdales and Lancome has a gift with purchase promotion, so I end up buying something from there too. I also spotted a handbag from Nordstrom, but it was too expensive, so I have to think it through first. The purse would make a really good everyday wear to work kind of purse. I'll put that to my wish list. ^__^

This past two weeks has been pretty stressful at work, but I am so happy to have really good coworkers that make me feel a little better. One day I went into work and my coworker gave me a lemon for tea, then another day my coworker brought a cookie to share with me and another day my coworker has left four masks on my desk. I am so touched by my coworkers' gestures! I could really make use of the masks, because my face has so many break outs. I think it's either from the food I ate or just stress from work. I'm going to put on a mask tonight and relax a bit. Life sometimes gets stressful, but God always put some good friends and coworkers to bring some sweetness to my life!

Tomorrow is Monday, wishing everyone a good week ahead!

Cookie from a coworker 


Mask from my coworker

Ask and it will be given to you; Seek and you will find; Knock and the door will be opened to you.
Luke 11:09

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