Sunday, March 17, 2013


Yesterday I had the chance to go catch a movie with a friend. It has been a long while since I been to the theaters. We watched "Oz The Great And Powerful", it's a very good movie, I love it, very pretty graphics! Then finally had the chance to go to Ramen Dojo to try out their ramen. Indeed it was good! ^__^ I had the pork flavor soup base and added extra corn and napa cabbage. Yummy!

This weekend finally finished watching the Korean Drama "Reply 1997". At first I watched one episode and didn't think it was that good, so stopped watching it, until one day my friend highly recommend it and suggest we watch it together and it got really interesting and funny after the first episode for me. I enjoyed watching the drama and now it's on my favorite list of Korean dramas. I reminds of a saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover".

This morning I went to the the backyard and see that the daffodil has finally bloom and there is a pomelo on our pomelo tree, so happy! ^___^  I can't wait for the pomelo to grow a little bigger and try it!

Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. Luke 12:15

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