Saturday, September 28, 2013


Good morning and I'm so happy it's Saturday! This morning I woke up and watched a really good movie called "Hachi" it's about a loyal dog that goes back to the train station everyday after his owner passed away. I think I read or heard the story about Hachi long time ago, but cannot recalled where I read it or heard it from, but when I saw the movie I was so excited to watch it. When I finished watching the movie, I want a dog! I will consider having a dog when I get my own place.  It's a great movie, so watch it when you have a chance.

Today it's nice and sunny, my friend lend me her new lumix 25mm lens, I can't wait to go outside to shot some photos to test out the lens. I will post some photos taken with the lumix 25mm lens next time.

Anyway, time to get ready and head out, wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

These fresh figs are pretty good, very sweet! I tried to make myself eat fresh fruits everyday!

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

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