Sunday, October 13, 2013


Happy Sunday! Lately I been into making macarons! It's not that easy to make. First time I made it, the cookies turn out all wrinkly and it wouldn't rise up and turn out to be a hard almond cookies. Second time I made it, it was all good, but it's not a circle shape but turn out to be an oval shape and the shells are too thin, but taste good. Third time making it,  it was a success, all the cookies turn out nice and perfect, no cracks. Then this weekend I tried to make macarons again with different food coloring and after taking it out of the oven, 1/3 of them are perfect, but the rest have cracked shells. Hum..I wonder why the shells cracked? Trying to think what i did differently compare to the time I got all the shells perfect? Today I attempted to make it again, but some are cracked and some are good looking. It's hard to be consistent when making Macarons. I guess i have to try to make it a couple more times and experiment with the folding of the meringue and almond meal mixture. Anyway, it was fun making macarons and sharing it with my friends!

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:09

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