Saturday, September 28, 2013


Good morning and I'm so happy it's Saturday! This morning I woke up and watched a really good movie called "Hachi" it's about a loyal dog that goes back to the train station everyday after his owner passed away. I think I read or heard the story about Hachi long time ago, but cannot recalled where I read it or heard it from, but when I saw the movie I was so excited to watch it. When I finished watching the movie, I want a dog! I will consider having a dog when I get my own place.  It's a great movie, so watch it when you have a chance.

Today it's nice and sunny, my friend lend me her new lumix 25mm lens, I can't wait to go outside to shot some photos to test out the lens. I will post some photos taken with the lumix 25mm lens next time.

Anyway, time to get ready and head out, wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

These fresh figs are pretty good, very sweet! I tried to make myself eat fresh fruits everyday!

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Bun Rieu...

This weekend I had attempted to make Bun Rieu, after three attempts, I think I finally master the version I like. It was quite easy to make. I ate Bun Rieu as a late night snack on Friday night, then I realized that I forgot to put the fish sauce and the egg, but it still taste pretty good and that was my first attempt. Then on Saturday afternoon, I want to make it again, this time I remember to add the egg and the fish sauce, it taste better, but I think it would be better if I added some spiciness to it. Therefore today I decided to cook it again and this time I added the jalapeno to the recipe and it taste really good (in my opionion). ^___^ . Practice makes perfect! I also made pickled cucumber, so good! I love Persian cucumbers!

Lately I thought to myself about things that happened in my life and come to realized that history repeats itself in  my life and I think I have to reflect on my actions to learn from my mistakes and hopefully not let history repeat itself.

Enjoying coffee this afternoon to wake myself up

Pairing my coffee with some pecan tarts

Got the noodle ready, waiting for the soup...

Added the soup w/delicious ingredients ^__^

Added the green onions and mint leaves, ready to be serve

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Philippians 2:3