Saturday, July 20, 2013


This morning I had to drop off my dad to a party in Sunset, so on the way home I went by Starbucks to buy a white chocolate mocha and a banana pecan walnut cake. Then I went to Hilda's bakery hoping to get the UBE taro rice cake, however it's already sold out, so I got the hopia and salted egg. I never tried the salted egg, so looking forward to try it. The lady in line ahead of me said it's good, so I'll give it a try. After I got home I remember my coworker told me about a recipe for Omelette, so I decided to make myself an omelette for lunch. It turned out okay and never tried omelette with ginger. And didn't realized that it's so hard to flip an omelette w/o breaking it in half. I guess it takes practice. Making the omelette reminds me of the omelette rice, maybe next time I'll try to make the omelette rice. That's it for now, wishing everyone a wonderful weekend! (^__^)

P.S. Forgot to mention I also tried to make the Chinese Spicy Cucumbers and it turned out pretty good. (Probably because I like persian cucumbers, lol). For the Chinese Spicy cucumber I found the recipe online.

Chinese Spicy Cucumbers

White Chocolate Mocha and Banana Pecan Walnut cake from Starbucks

Hopia (Made w/mung beans) Yummy!

Salted Egg

Getting the ingredients ready to make the Omelette (Ingredients, ginger, celery, two eggs, salt and black peppers)

Mix all the ingredients together

Omelette is ready!

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.  Galatians 5:22

Sunday, July 14, 2013

LA trip...

Last week I went on a short ship to LA to eat and watch TVXQ concert with some friends. Indeed LA is a great place to find good eats, the food was great. We ate twice at Korean town, went to BCD tofu house, the dinner set was cheap and good, I had the seafood soon tofu with vegetable bibimbam. The second time we went to The Road to Seoul for Korean buffet BBQ, good food, good music and good price. We also went to Newport Restaurant for Lobster, we ordered an eight lb lobster along with some chow mein and veggies and it was way too much food for the three of us. After stuffing myself w/lobster meat, I tell myself I'm not going to eat lobsters for the next couple of months. ^__^  We also went to the city of Ventura and had the mushroom swiss cheese charburger at The hobit and I love it, so delicious! Their sweet fries and onions rings are yummy too. Also went to Bottega Louie for lunch and desserts, the portobello mushroom fries, king salmon, chicken salad are all so good and I love the atmosphere there too, so clean, the design so simple yet comfortable. After lunch we moved to the dessert section and order some desserts, I highly recommend their macaroons and desserts, so good! I can't wait to go back to LA and get myself some more macaroons! I can go on  and on about the good food in LA especially the boba drinks at Half & Half.

The concert was pretty entertaining, great dancing performance and nice music videos and overall a pretty good experience of KPOP concert. My second time going to a concert and everyone stands up during the three hours show!!! Concert overall is not my thing, I rather spend the money on something else. 

Due to the Asianna flight crash, our flight got cancelled and had to stay one extra day in LA. Glad to be home and finally feel better after recovering from the lack of sleep. 

Time to have dinner! Have a wonderful week ahead. ^__^