Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Shanghai Cuisine...

This week I want to share some pictures of different types of food that I like. Today I would like to start off sharing about Shanghai Cuisine. Usually when I go to a restaurant that serve Shanghai food, I would order a soy bean drink, dumplings, and green onion pancakes. I remember the time when I went to the China tour and one of the location is Shanghai. Shanghai is a very pretty city, what I remember most about Shanghai is this dumpling place that our friend brought us to call Xiao Yang's Sheng Jian Bao, it's so delicious and inside the dumpling it has lots of soup! I would love to go back to Shanghai and eat that again. Besides the dumplings, I also love to eat the sticky rice rolls. I wish I can wake up every morning and have that as my breakfast. Anyway...here are some pictures of some shanghai food that I ate when I went to Michelle's Pancake house in Cupertino. The food there is pretty good!

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough troubles of its own. Matthew 6:34

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