Monday, February 16, 2015

Billy Goat Hill

Today is President's Day and it's a no work day for me. A couple months ago I saw this place call Billy Goat Hill on instagram and decide to go today with two of my friends.  We had brunch at Higher Grounds Coffee House, the food is pretty good in my opinion. I ordered the Shrimp Crepe and find it pretty tasty with a side of potatoes and salad. I find it surprising that it's cash only, luckily I had some cash in my wallet. (^___^) It's always nice to keep some cash in the wallet, because not all places take atm or credit cards.  During brunch listen to my friends talk about their problems at work.

After brunch we hiked up Billy Goat Hill and surprisingly it's really short. I was expecting the swing to be there, but guess someone took it off. So short hike and afterwards I went home to spent some time with my niece.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week!

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1