Sunday, February 17, 2013


This past Wednesday I meet up with some friends for dinner at Cheeseboard. The pizza there is pretty good and there is live music. I love the atmosphere there! ^__^ The line could be deceiving, because it seems so long, but actually it's goes pretty quickly and it probably only takes about 10 mins to reach the cashier.  At Cheeseboard they only have one pizza for the day and one salad, so it's pretty simple. I guess it's nice to make it simply, so people like me who are indecisive don't have to bother thinking which one to get.  

During dinner one of my friend came back from her vacation and gave me some short bread cookies from Big Island. The green tea chocolate one is so GOOD! The regular one is good too, but I prefer ones with chocolate. It always warms my heart when people who go travel and brings back goodies to share with me.  I've been to Hawaii three times already, but have not got a chance to visit Big Island. Maybe next time I go visit Hawaii, I'll stay at Big Island. 

Hum...when will my next vacation be and where? There are a couple places I want to go visit such as: Europe, Hokkaido, and Korea.  I hope I can go oversea this year, because it's been a while since I took the international flight. 

Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Green Tea Chocolate, and Original 

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend! ^__^

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day...

Last week I watched a drama and it talked about a guy marrying a girl older than him eight years and had a happy marriage. In reality, how many guys would date a girl that much older than him?  I guess it shouldn't matter regardless what others think, as long as the guy and girl who is in relationship are okay with it.  Valentine's Day is almost here, wishing everyone a "Happy Valentine's Day!"

"LOVE must be sincere" Romans 12:09

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy Chinese New Year!

Today is Chinese New Year! It's nice to gather with families and friends to wish each other good blessings for the year of the Snake.  In the new year I would like to wish everyone good health!

 "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" 1 Corinthians 2:9.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Hilda's Bakery

Yesterday I went to Hilda's bakery to pick up an order of "Hopia", it was really good when eating it fresh. The Hopia was still warm when I first bite into it. My coworker has been talking about how good it was and indeed it was like what she said. I would definitely go back for more next time. Besides getting the Hopia, I also got an order of the "maja", "sapin", "kutchinta" and a piece of the sweet rice. Everything looks so good and the price is very reasonable.  I would highly recommend the "Hopia" to my friends. Inside the "Hopia" is a mung bean filling.  Very delicious!  ^__^

Sweet rice roll with coconut slices on the side


