Sunday, January 27, 2013

On a Sunday afternoon....

 After staying home all day on Saturday, I finally decided to go out on Sunday for some fresh air and to enjoy the sunny warm weather.
I went to SF Botanical Garden and went to see the Magnolia flowers that are in bloom right now. I encounter alot of squirrels while walking around the park. They are such cute little creatures!
After the walk in the park, I decided to go to Arizmendi Bakery and get myself some scones. I usually don't like scones, but they make pretty good ones, so I had to get some since I'm in the area. I got two scones to go, one is the blueberry & pear and the other one is currant scone. I took a bite on the blueberry scone and surely it did not disappoint, because it taste so good! Yummy! ^__^

Peruvian Carved Gourds

Blueberry & Pear Scone

Currant Scone

Monday, January 21, 2013

What to do on a day off....

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. holiday! What to do on a beautiful warm sunny day? Should I go visit SF botanical garden or go watch a movie or go shopping.....hum....hard to pick one or maybe do all these things in one day?! But to start my day off I would need a cup of coffee. ^__*

"Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited." Romans 12:16