Monday, February 16, 2015

Billy Goat Hill

Today is President's Day and it's a no work day for me. A couple months ago I saw this place call Billy Goat Hill on instagram and decide to go today with two of my friends.  We had brunch at Higher Grounds Coffee House, the food is pretty good in my opinion. I ordered the Shrimp Crepe and find it pretty tasty with a side of potatoes and salad. I find it surprising that it's cash only, luckily I had some cash in my wallet. (^___^) It's always nice to keep some cash in the wallet, because not all places take atm or credit cards.  During brunch listen to my friends talk about their problems at work.

After brunch we hiked up Billy Goat Hill and surprisingly it's really short. I was expecting the swing to be there, but guess someone took it off. So short hike and afterwards I went home to spent some time with my niece.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week!

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Monday, November 17, 2014


Two weeks ago, my friends and I went to brunch at Outerlands in Sunset district. Usually that place is crowded and wait time is at least an hour in the past couple times I went, however this time our wait time is less than ten minutes because we got there at 8:45am to put our name down on the wait list. The opening time for brunch on Sunday is at 9:00am. This time we ordered two of the Eggs in Jail, a Dutch pancake with apples. For the drink I ordered the hot apple cider with a slice of lemon, all so delicious! Yummy! Yummy! Besides the good food, the service was excellent too. The waiter that served us had a great smile on his face and came back every so often to check if we needed refill on our drinks and made sure our orders came. I recommend this place for brunch. ^__^ Here is a picture of the food we ordered that day at brunch. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful week!

"Give, and it will be given to you." 
Luke 6:38

Friday, May 16, 2014

Give Thanks!

It's been a while since I wrote on my blog. Today I am so thankful, because while driving I was so close to be in an accident, the cars in front of me stopped so suddenly and I couldn't stop quick enough so I changed lane without signal and luckily the car coming on the next lane was able to switch to the other lane. I was so scared that I would either hit the car in front of me or hit the car coming from the next lane. I'm thankful that God really watches over me and protects me. I am super thankful that I did not cause an accident and cause traffic jam. Through this morning's incident, I realize I should really concentrate and focus on driving and keep some distance from the car in front of me, I should give myself enough room to brake and stop if needed. This really reminds me of my driving test result from what the test instructor wrote "too fast too close" from many years ago. I will be more careful now that I drive.

This week I'm so happy, because I became an auntie, my niece was born this week. She's so cute, she has dimples when she smiles. I'm so happy that God granted a new member to our family. I hope she grows up to be a sweet, kind, and smart person. I'm happy that my sister is now a mom. Looking at my niece, I think to myself, it's about time to start thinking about having a family of my own and hopefully in the future I too will be a mom. It's funny how I'm writing about wanting to be a mom someday and the Barbara Walters History interview is on at the same time and it has clips of her interviewing celebrities who talked about the joy of being a parent. (^_^)

Lately I realized that long time friends are not necessarily good friends. A true friend stick around through good and bad times and it's so magically that a true good friend would be there for you even without you asking for their presence and there is always something to talk about and no boring conversations. I hope I would have more quality friends and hopefully I too will be a quality friend to others.

That's all I have to share for now.  Here are some pictures of the Golden Gate bridge that I took a while ago.

Have a wonderful weekend!

"Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Ephesians 5:20

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Lands End

Last week I had Tuesday off, so instead of staying home to watch Korean drama, I decided to take my camera outside to take some photos. I heard about Lands End, but never went there, so finally decided to go there. It's quite nice, good spot to see the Ocean and hike around the area. I saw some rocks, which to me looks like a duck and the eye is a heart shape. Very interesting. The hike was nice, but a bit cold. I will go visit Lands End again next time on a more sunny day. Wishing everyone a nice weekend!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Wishing everyone a wonderful day fill with love, joy, peace and lots of laughter with family and friends on this day. A day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. This year is almost ending and the new year will be here soon. With Christ in my life, I really feel love, joy, peace, and comfort. May you also feel the same way. Have a wonderful Christmas!

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.
 2 Thessalonians 3:16

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Thanksgiving just passed a couple days ago, this Thanksgiving, I'm very very thankful to God, because he has given me more than what I could have asked for, he given me family, friends, a job, money to spend and help out kids who are in need, a car to travel and to get to and from work, shelter, food, and etc,. Last month I passed my three day review at work and I'm super excited and happy. Looking back for the past couples months, God has really given me good mentors at work to teach and guide me so that I can be successful and do well in my position. I think the lesson I learnt is to never give up and rely on God. God only gives me what I can handle. This morning I saw a my friend's facebook post on a music video and I loved it, the song name is called "When The Lights Come On". Check it out when you have time.

Today I went to shop for some baby clothes for a friend. The baby clothes are just too cute! I spent like almost an hour inside deciding which outfits to get for my friend's baby boy. Too many choices and too many cute outfits, which make it hard to decide. I end up buying two outfits and one bib. Afterwards I saw there was a framers market, so I went to take a look and got myself some almond danish and baby tomatoes. I also saw a booth selling honey and there was live bees in a glass box/frame. I love framer's market, the stuff is not cheap, but very fresh! 

While walking back to my car, saw some really pretty foliage. It's still Fall season, but soon it'll be Winter. I had a nice and long week, hope you all had a great weekend as well.

Fresh Almond Danish and Fresh Baby Tomatoes from Framers Market
Bee's at the honey booth
Pretty color leaves! ^__^

Apricot flavor macarons

P.S. On Saturday I made macarons again and it turned out great! Not a single crack macaron shells. So happy! ^__^ I'm proud of myself. Practice makes perfect!

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Stay Calm...

Today I read a bible verse on the Devotion app and would like to share it, the bible verse goes  "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still". I find it so true, because at times I feel tired, stressed, burned out and without any desire to go on, but God is always there to help me out and get me through the day. God works in ways we cannot see, trust in him and he will help you overcome the obstacles in your life. 

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14